Monday, November 16, 2009

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

Yesturday I noticed my guinea pig was moving and shaking her head alot, so I checked everything and came across a small patch of fur that was missing. I feed her well, and She gets lots of excercise, so I was wondering if any home remidies might fix this or should I bring her to the vet, change her diet??? Please help me I am very worried about my pet and it would be very helpful if you tell me some ways that might help her regain her hair, also if you think nothing is wrong and that it will grow back say that also. I want answers, PLEASE HELP I AM VERY WORRIED ABOUT MY GUINEA PIG!!! ASAP PLEASE!!

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

Hair loss can be caused by a few different things.

Parasites, usually mites, can cause hairloss. Mites are microscopic, so they cannot be seen with the naked eye. When hairloss is caused by mites, it often appears as if the guinea pig has "dandruff." Mites need to be treated with Invermectin, a prescription available from the vet. Invermectin is highly effective and very safe.

Fungus can also cause hairloss. Hairloss caused by fungus often appears as little scaly or crusty balding patches. Fungus can be treated with an over-the-counter miconazole cream, such as Monistat 7 or Femizole M.

Vitamin deficiencies can also cause hairloss, but this is relatively rare.

The links below have helpful photos to help determine what type of hairloss your guinea pig is suffering.

Best of luck!

EDIT: If the hairloss is right behind the ear, there is no need to worry. Hair loss behind the ear is normal, common and genetic. See link:

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

It's possible she could be stressed out. Make sure you give her lots of love and attention. Animals often pluck their hair or feathers when they are stressed. Just keep a close eye on her, make sure the patch of hair that's missing doesn't get bigger. Go to a pet store and browse thru a Guinea Pig "how to" book, see if it says anything about those kinds of habits.

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

i have 6 guinea pigs (2 had sex) that happened to my first one. you guinea pig may have flees or it could be more serious if you play with your pet and find red itchy bumps on you then she has flees(dont worry) just by an anti- flee and tick spray and they would be gone in no time

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

it could be old age or mites or insects biting and irritating her take her to a vet rather be safe than sorry

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

You say it's behind her ear? Do you mean directly behind the ear?

If it is right behind the ear it is perfectly natural. All guinea pigs have distinct bald spots behind their ears, which are sometimes larger on albino guineas.

A technical explantion: "These Bald spots are referred to as "the hairless areas" (Curtis sine pilis) and are usually about 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. As a rule, no hairs grow in this region, however, sometimes a few scattered hairs may be present. The hairless area is larger in albino pigs and in colored animals the skin is usually more darkly pigmented than the remaining skin. The area not only lacks hair, but is also free of sweat and sebaceous glands."

This page has more details(about half way down the page):

The shaking and movement you mention could well be just popcorning, a common guinea pig behviour they do when they are excited or energetic:

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