Friday, November 13, 2009

Does hair fallout after birth grow back?

I'm pregnant. Okay I know my hair will be stronger w/ the biotin and folic acid etc etc of prenatal pills while I'm pregnant. But I am frightened about the fallout process after birth. Judging by the fact that my hair has been sensitive to fallout before (due to years of dying though no blowdrying or other processing and never grew back in), I'm sure I'll experience this. Does anyone know how long it lasts (during breastfeeding, only a couple months...), if I should keep taking some vitamin pills to minimize the amount, and most importantly if it grows back?? I bet we're all different. I know a girl who lost so much hair after giving birth its less thick than the circumference of my pinkie! Any advice on what was done will help!

Does hair fallout after birth grow back?

I have really thick hair and couldn't believe when it started thinning after my son was born. It was alot! When i'd shower and wash it i would have a handful. Maybe that was because i had so much though. It last about 3 months then all was normal. Keep taking the prenatals after birth, expecially if your breastfeeding, it should help mininmize the amount that is falling out. Hope this helps! Congrats on pregnancy!

Does hair fallout after birth grow back?

Sometimes if your having a girl they make your hair fall out and then if your having a boy they grow your hair but it depends if you take care of your hair and keep taking your folic acid and vitamin supplements.

Does hair fallout after birth grow back?

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