Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

shave it

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

~start learning the techniques to shave that head shinny bald~~

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

i think that u need nore calcium

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

compensate with a great personality ;)

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Shave it bald and get a tatoo.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Talk to your doctor.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

go to the doctor, you might have some sort of disease

or just get some hair regrowth shampoo

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

maybe your not eating right. Or go spend hundreds of dollars on worthless crap that insures your hair back

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Go see a dermatologist to be sure.. cuz I lost a bit of hair as I became an adult.. but it was only my hair thinning out and it became curlier..

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

well i would get a wig or get extentions or maybe just shave it. whatever you want to do... i would ask your hair dresser.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

I think ur too stressed. Stop stressing and you'll be fine.

If not go to a hair lose specialist. =D

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

See your doctor hair loss can be a sign of serious medical condition including cancer don't want to scare you but go see a doc get it early

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Im a victim also on premature balding-

Minoxidil helps.

Laser treatment would be the best solution if you can afford it

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Depends. I've seen guys go bald before they were 20. First I would monitor my head and see if the hair is falling out regularly or if it's speeding up. I though I was going bald because my hair came out, and I still have a full head of hair, it was just getting longer and didn't notice the smaller hairs falling. Anyways, you could always try the monoxidyl or what ever that is. It's all about doing something before it's to late

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

It's all genetics dude!

Sum loose it, some don't its just in ur dna...

comb overs are so out of season!

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

get a check up to make sure it's not a health problem, and if you're given the all clear.....embrace it! Bald heads can be sexy!

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

The hair doesn't matter. Don't ever be unsure of what life gives you. You get what you get thats life. If you don't believe me, when your hair is all gone will the look out of your eyes be any different?

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

My cousin had the same problem when he was 17, he asked the doc and they actually shot steroids in his scalp and it did make his hair grow back where it was missing, but this is only a temporary solution. Until you get older maybe you should look into those hair plugs. Good luck and talk to your doctor.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

most men don't lose their hair until the age of 28 so i would say you're imagining it but if you're sure go to your doctor.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

relax. hairloss at that age is either a serious medical issue, or stress related. take it easy. you could use nioxin shampoo and conditioner *whatever system for your hair type* that is a great system. my hair was thinning to to too many chemically processes and its back to its original thickness and growing like a weed. really massage that stuff into your scalp, not hair. it'll be cooling/tingly. its fantastic stuff. i think its your best bet to hold on to what you have left.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

eat more calcium, eat a healthier diet, see a doctor, and stop using whatever hair products you are using right now.

simple and clean...

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Have you been ill? Feeling weak or nausiated? How old were other family members when they started losing hair or turning grey? Hair loss can be caused by several things. Stress, poor diet, some illnesses(both serious and otherwise),poor hair care, or heriditary issues. I would first stop and look at your life-what are you doing, how are you eating, etc. Contact your doctor or dermatologist to set up an appointment. Dont take it lightly. I hope that this helped a bit. How is the hair doing? Is it just thinning in places(pattern baldness) or are clumps coming out when you brush? Keep track of that and the types of shampoos and things that you put on your hair and scalp. Take that info to your doctor as well.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

My sister had that problem when she was about 8 years old. We took her to a doctor and he said it was caused from stress. My family was wondering how in the world an 8 year old could possibly be stressed-but it was caused by my mother's divorce with her father. They ended up putting her on a medication and it all grew back!

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Learn to live with it or start using Rogaine and go to a hair replacement specialist.

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

go to a doc.

u could be sick

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Go see a doctor who specialize in hair lost.

And eat a lot of fresh fruits and dark leafy vegetables.

Good luck mate!

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

stress, lack of vitamins, not having proper food nutrition, smoking, too much antibiotics, diabetes....u need to check with the doctor, minoxidil helps....

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

dont listen to them get a cute weave and take a day off

I'm 18 and I think I'm starting to lose my hair. What should I do?

Try a little scalp massage to stimulate hair growth.

It not only feels wonderful, it's good for you, too. You have to do it. Trust me! You'll see the difference later on. :)

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