Monday, November 16, 2009

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Now, they just have long thin tails like rats-eeewww.Is there a cause for them not having big fluffy tails?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Squirrels undergo a complete head-to-tail molt in the spring.Their tail hair is lost in the spring and then comes back only in the spring. Also mother squirrels will use their tail fur to line their nest with.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Do you happen to live near a nuclear power plant?

if not, I would guess they are breeding with rats.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

is this mr. burns? do you live near a nuclear power plant?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

If you have a dog or cat don't let them near them.

sounds like mange. I don't know if that is spelled right

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

sure they are not rats?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Are you sure they are squirrels and not possums?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

They got Mange??????

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

One squirrel got the dsickness

It passed it on to it kids

its kids passed it on to all the other squirrels in the neighbourhood!!!

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

i like cherokee's answer...and maybe something is attacking them?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

I would stay away from the squirels and I would call animal control to leave squirl traps and have them checked out by a profeshonal.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

the mange.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

radiation, or they're really stressed because the prices of nuts went up.

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