Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

i have many ball spots on my head, and i want those to be replaced, do you think if i shave my head i will get all my hair back. I like making my hair spiky and it takes atleast 15-20 hair everytime i do my hair. i do my hair every morning and girls be on me at school all day

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

I think that the product you are using isn't meant for everyday use if you don't have a haircare regiment. Meaning simply you have to take care of your hair if you are going to put stress on it such as harsh products.

Invest in a good clarifying shampoo and Aussie 3 minute miracle conditioner. Make sure to wash all the styling gel out of your hair thoroughly and condition daily for twice the time you would normally.

Also don't style your hair in spikes everyday. I know it sucks but you're gonna have to learn to do something different to give your hair a break.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

stop using the type of hair gel ur using

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

Face the inevitable!



What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

DUDe how old are u?

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

Using gel and stuff clogs your hair follicles.I never use the stuff and my hair is EXTREMELY thick and healthy.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

stop using it

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

if you lose hair when u gel ur hair i suggest changing hair products this soulnd like your using acid or some other corrocive liquid

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

i dont know if shaving your head would work, it might be worth trying, and all also may you should try out a different hair gel.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

what brand of gel do you use?

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

If using gel makes your hair fall out...quit using gel. I would think that's obvious.

Of course you could just have premature baldness, in which case Rogaine might help. It's not 100%, but it does have a pretty high success rate.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

dont use that kind anymore.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

My only answer would be to stop using gel. There are other alternatives like creams that hold you're hair in spikes but aren't so hard on it as well. Shaving your head won't bring lost hair back. It might even compound the problem. Good Luck!

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

i know this person and he uses this shampoo for horses and it really worked fast. i forgot the name and i don't even smell any bad odor from it.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

well then, stop using Gel!

obviously it is affecting the growth of your hair and is taking out mounds of hair you already have,

You know the reason you are losing your hair.

So use common sense.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

just shave it off. it will grow back. it would look soo much better than having bald spots everywhere. and if you want your hair to grow back quick then use vitamin E oil. it works. and i know cuz i usr that oil all the time.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

get a different gel. Most gels do make you lose your hair, try going to a salon and getting your products from there.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

=O dangg.. ur 13 and u have bald sponts..

get a new gel its causing u to loose ur hair.. go to a beuaty suply store.. or.... ask ur hair salon .. =] theyy should noe.!

good luck.

best of luck. my wishes to ya.!

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

at your age you should not be loosing hair................ unless it is genetic....................... you need to use products that are water soluble. A build up of products such as hairspray and gel can make your hair fall out as you may be plugging up the hair follicles............... my suggestion is to go to the doctor to make sure that , that is the reason for your hair lose. There can be a variety of reasons for hair lose.......... such as, poor diet, vitamin deficiency, not cleaning your scalp properly and Alecia., diabetes, and thyroid disease. I am a professional stylist and I ALWAYS tell my clients to go to the doctor if I see hair thinning or bald patches.......... please go!!

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

I think the product your using is creating hair loss for you..I d stop it and leave it be for a may end up bald headed before your time may want to get some Biolage daily leave in tonic and rub into scalp and start soothing that head for a while and give it time to grow back..drop the product into the garbage can for now..

Girls arent that crazy about spikey hair anyore..its sooo stiff when you rub it and thats gross...Id go natural its much more fun to touch and you seem to like the girls..and do want them to touch you one day dont you?? I hope you have some hair left by now and please stop using this stuff..go surfer look and grow some hair them girls can hold on too..i bet they will like it too..i know i would.Have fun and rock on.....

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

stop using the gel... doy! lol jp

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

If you like spiking your hair, you should try "Got2B Glued" It's thicker then gel and it won't get on your scalp like gel does. It works great. I used to use it to spike out the back of my hair when it was shorter. It comes in a yellow squeeze bottle and you can buy it at Wal-Mart.

What do you do when you use gel and lose a lot of hair?

there is a product called monaxidil. you can find it in and drug store like rite aide or cvs it works to stimulate the hair growth, you have to keep using it because once you stop your hair will stop growing in those spots and fall back out.

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