Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

I am overweight and i have hair on my chest,butt and areas i dont want it to be. If i lose weight will the hair stop growing??? I am really committed this time, about losing weight.

Does skin pull back once you lose weight or does it still sag??

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

Yes, it's related. When you are obese, your hormone levels can get affected, which causes the unwanted hair.

Depending on how much weight is lost, and how fast it is lost, there can be a lot of loose skin left behind.

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

the hair is probably due to testoterone levels losing weight probably wont decrease the hair....yes your skin will adapt but depending on how heavy you are it may not go back all the way... especially if you are over 30.....but lose hte weight and 95 percent of your battle is won.. everything else will fall into place and you will feel so much better about yourself

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

Are you a woman? You may have polycystic ovarian syndrome which would explain being heavy and having unwanted hair. Exercising would not help, unfortunately, you'd need to prescribed a drug by your endocrinologist.

Of course, you could be a fast-food eating man too. In which case, chest hair is not a bad thing.

As for skin, people say that if you lose weight too quickly (using BAD things like diet drugs) then yes, your skin will be loose and not snap back. However, I lost weight the natural way and still have plenty of loose skin. So it varies from person to person. If your skin is very elastic, lucky you.

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

no you in puberty

once you loose wieght its off no saggyness but you have to maintain a healthy diet

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

It is true, like the first responder suggests, that when one is overweight, hormone levels are effected . . . but, s/he is mistaken. An increase in body fat results in an increase in estrogen . . . testosterone is predominantly responsible for hair.

Because being overweight increases estrogen instead of testosterone, it's not likely that your hairy situation is caused by your size.

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

I am assuming that you are female, since you do not want chest hair.

The only way to know for sure, is to see your Dr. Your condition may be polycystic ovarian disease (a condition that causes excess hair in unusual places, and weight gain) There are other possible causes too, but of course seeing your Dr is the way to find out.

As far as losing weight, you want to do it slowly enough for your skin to have time to adjust itself, and shrink. Eating the right foods /getting adequate vitamins and minerals will also help nourish your skin and keep it as firm as possible as you reduce.

Exercise is also highly recommended ! This, once again is after seeing your Dr!

Good luck.

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

You don't mention your age or your weight, but you should look up PCOD, polycystic ovary disease. It's associated with obesity and hair overgrowth is a symptom. See your doctor.

Does being fat have anything to do w/ unwanted hair?

i dont think so

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