Monday, November 16, 2009

Finished Chemo 10 months ago and no hair growth?

My Mom finished chemo and radiation treatments last November where she lost ALL the hair on her entire body. It is now almost a year later and she has only grown back her eyelashes, eyebrows and only small patches of hair on her head. Does this mean it is likely that she will never grow a full head of hair or does it mean that it might take her much longer? All the articles I have found all say that your hair will grow back, so since it has not we are really confused. Anyone experience this or know anything on the subject matter?

Finished Chemo 10 months ago and no hair growth?

Has your mother tried Homeopathic.

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Finished Chemo 10 months ago and no hair growth?

My wife had radiation to the head and neck; the hair did not grow back in those areas. The radiation seemed to destroy the hairs follicles ability to grow new hair.

How do I deal with post-partum hair?

I lost half my hair after I had my baby, and now it's growing back in. I have naturally curly/frizzy hair, and the hair that's growing back is about 2 inches long. It's too short to use a curling iron to straighten, but long enough to curl on it's own. Any ideas? My hair is just below my shoulders.

How do I deal with post-partum hair?

Don't use a curling iron to straighten, use a flat iron to straighten that short hair to blend it with the rest of your hair.

Make sure to use something like CHI Silk Infusion or BioSilk Silk Therapy so that the hair will lay down softly instead of sticking up.

How do I deal with post-partum hair?

Your hair will sort itself out as soon as your hormones balance again. Good nutrition is essential %26amp; have your iron levels checked.

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil l

If he dumped you because you were fat, then dont go back with him, hes shallow and should realise what hes missing.

If you split for any other reason, then whats stopping you going back if you still like him?

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

changed circumstances my help u all the best

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

Ur choice. U dont say how he treated you so cant really answer your question. However good on ya and well done for not crumbling like most people. Best wishes in whatever you decide.

Michelle xxxxxxxxx.

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

no have some pride, plenty more fish in the sea..but if you still want him make him wait and make him beg

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

Don't even think about it! Go find someone worth your time. Enjoy putting him in his place, even if you still kind of like him. You need better.

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

well done and good for you, i bet you look great

he's shallow and doesn't actually care about you, if you put on the weight again likely hood is he will dump you again, best off without him

you deserve better

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou



My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

Are you sure you want to commit yourself to this guy who loves you for looks not your personality?

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

Tell him he had his chance and to kiss your HOT REAR!!! You deserve someone better, now go get him hottie!!!

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

I don't think that's a good idea. There are things that are more important then sex and physical beauty. There must have been problems in the relationship for him to end it and also there is the big chance (99.9%) that it is just lust. Also if you ever 'let go' it's obvious that he'd leave you.

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

Forgive him, %26amp; forget him. U ve strugled and u deserve better. Memories remain but life goes on !!

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

By all means, go back with him, even if you foresee another dumping session after you regained that 10 kg.

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

if u have any self respect,dont go back to him.

My ex dumpd me lst xmas..i wnt to gym,lost 10kg!!grew my hair nd got hot!!nw he wnts me bak!i stil lyk hm thou

Ask yourself seriously will he dump you again when you go out of shape again? If you have doubts, get a new man for yourself.

How to get more hair on my head?

i lost lot of hair wen im 15 after using a stupid gel

now im 16 n i wan to gain more hair

any oil or home made stuff can help me gain more hair??

How to get more hair on my head?

Use anti hair fall shampoo and conditioner. Plus hot oil treatment! It'll help your hair grow faster. And it'll be kinda thicker, darker and shiny! It will also softens your hair. Eat food full of proteins it will help your hair grow healthier.

How to get more hair on my head?

try rogain.

How to get more hair on my head?

go to hair care centre??? you may want to try =)

How to get more hair on my head?

Please tell us what kind of stupid gel you used so it does not happend to somedy else.

I want to temp. dye my hair. HELP?

my hair is brown/blonde with lots of blonde highlights. i am going to use a temporary hair dye that comes out in 8-12 washes or something.. i want a change but not too drastic. any ideas? i was thinking maybe if i darken it a little. is there anyway to change up my hair with out losing all of my highlights?

thank youuu!!

ps: all of my highlights are natural

I want to temp. dye my hair. HELP?

well usually the dye color depends on your natural color. like when you look on the side of the box, it shows that if you dye your hair like auburn and your hair was blond, it will come out more redish brown tone, and if you dye your hair with the same dye and your hair is naturally medium brown, the dye will come out more of a dark brown with a slight auburn tint.

so yes your natural highlights should show still.

and i think you should dye your hair like an auburn-redish color.

and that way, your natural highlights will look more auburn-redish than other parts of your hair. it will lookkk supercute :]

I want to temp. dye my hair. HELP?

underneath half black/dark brown

it's super cute i know a girl who did that

I want to temp. dye my hair. HELP?

Don't do it yourself, have someone help you, but I really recommend getting it done professionally. Then you can ask them to put in some highlights.

I want to temp. dye my hair. HELP?

If you wanted a natural color, I'd go for a black color. If you want any color, I'd add maybe a blue, or green color. I did that for myself and it came out nice.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I am a law student and I have seen attorneys with long hair. I believe the style or look one posses is irrelevant to how one practices his trade, craft, or profession. However, I do believe there are many unspoken words and I would like to know if upon becoming an attorney I should lose the long hair (it resembles like Depp's hair in Blow) which is at shoulder length. I'm asking an honest opinion from those who are in the legal field.

Thank you

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

As a professional myself, I would say that as an upstart, it would be bad for your first impressions. In Law, as in many other fieldss, you are judged by first and second impression. Long hair is unprofessional. Now later, after you have a reutation and you are a stud lawyer, why not? But not at the beginning.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

Of course it does, especially in a field of that degree.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I think you should keep it pulled back while you're at work.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

Ever heard of Tony Serra?

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?


5 minutes ago

i dont know any thing about law but i do know hair. if you like it and it looks good on you than keep it. if you feel it will interfer with your chances of being a lawyer then cutt it.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

In my mind it does. Call me antiquated, but men should have short hair, unless they are a member of a biker gang or a Chippendales dancer.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I would say if you run your own practice then keep the hair. My buddy from law school was searching for 4-5 months straight, until he got a hair cut, then a firm finally hired him. I think it does effect how your employers see you, but I'm not sure your clients will care.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I'm not in the "legal" field but professionally speaking, I think if you pull it into a sleek ponytail, it might not be so bad. As to if i would higher a lawyer with long hair, that's a different question. Depends on how handsome you are to begin with. Haha. really though, just put yourself in someone else's shoes and wonder. how serious will people take you? it's just hair... but on a man, that is a little different than the norm ya know? ultimately you should do what you are comfy with, if that's keeping the hair, see how it goes. if you have no clientele, see if chopping the mane will make a difference: :) good luck

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

cut it off. no one likes long hair on men. ish

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

appearance is key. lose the hair. if you're well established you could probably get away with it, but not just starting out.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

As a former employer, but not in the legal profession, I would suggest you lose the long hair. I don't think it looks professional, nor would it inspire confidence in your clients. "Who is this long haired hippie" "What image is he trying to pull off?"

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

make it your Trademark...look at Kubi( the lawyer) and other...U also can put it in a ponytail

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I work for a financial planning firm. One of the top money earners, who makes in excess of 100k a year, wears shorts and hawiian shirts and ball caps. He's been doing this 15 years. He didn't start out dressing like this, he earned it through his competency.

You may have wait a few years and earn the right to wear long hair.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I dont see why your hair would matter if you are brilliant. Just keep it neat and clean, maybe even tuck it under your collar . You are to look professional and keep the professional appeal in the court room, but who is to say that you cant do that while at the same time having longer hair? It is your work that will speak for itself.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

Dude its awesome dont cut it man! at the end of the day as a lawyer its really about your skill not how long your hair is.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

no. my lawyer's hair is half as long as mine and mine is down to my knees.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I would think it would. Younger people might not be bothered by it, however, I think some older folks might. If you feel strongly about keeping your hair though, then do it. It certainly wouldn't affect your ability. Another thing to consider,though, is how a judge might perceive you in the courtroom.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

Unless you propose to pass yourself as a flamboyant defense lawyer, the answer is Yes. Perceptions make up so much of the craft, as you know.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

Yes, it does hinder your credibility. While we know that you may have superior knowledge in your field, your appearance (or unkept appearance) takes away from your credibility factor.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I was once on a jury. The lawyer had a pony tail, and a bad corduroy suit. Looked like a hippy or something. He asked us if we would give special consideration to a police officer in a uniform. All I could think was that I felt sorry for his client for having such a loser lawyer. His client was up for drug charges, and at least the client knew enough to dress well. I think you would be crazy to have way out of the normal appearance in a courtroom, of any kind.

Also, even if you aren't doing courtroom law, I wouldn't use a lawyer with weird hair, or clothes. A lawyer is continually meeting new people and making first impressions. If the first impression is bad, then he is done. If he is so attached to long hair, then I would question his judgment, and go to someone else.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

You're right that your hair is an irrelevant measure of your capabilities, but unfortunately that's not how society perceives things. In any professional job image is important, whether or not it should be. You could choose to keep your hair long as a statement of your individuality, but be prepared to be negatively judged by clients, managers and colleagues....and this will affect your bottom line....your wallet. I'm not saying that it's fair, but that's how the world works.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

Many clients are not going to go to you if you have long hair and look shall we say casual. You should also consider what effect your appearance will have on a jury. Will they respect you more if you look serious and professional or will they be more impressed with a fashion look? What effect would it have on the Judge and on your opponent? Will they be less inclined to take you seriously? My view is that you should be inconspicuous in the courtroom unless you are speaking. If you are neutral in appearance you are less likely to antagonize anyone. Ultimately your duty is to do the best for your client. Your dress and hair length should reflect that concern. I remember Mick Jagger once commented that when he saw his lawyers or accountants he expected that they wore suits and had neat hair because he anything else made him uneasy as to their professionalism. And that coming from the old old man of Rock and Roll who - becuase of his job - usually looks and is expected to look like a scruff.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I too have seen lawyers with long hair, but would not wish to hire them. Unfortunately, we are judged by our appearance whether or not we like it. When you meet people and they find out you are a lawyer, they will expect certain things. What if your doctor wore gloves to prevent the spread of disease, but had long, dirty fingernails that you could see beneath the gloves? He might be a medical genius, but you would question his ability based on what you saw of his fingernails. Anyway, that may be a stretch, but you get my drift. If you want people to take you seriously and see you a certain way, you do have to sometimes make some concessions to convention. It is also part of growing up. Good luck!

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I think that most have given you good info. And you are right, eventually your reputation will be based on your practice, not your looks - BUT

I can tell you that judges and your opposing counsel will form an opinion of you based upon your appearance first. It may not be right, but it is the way it is.

There are several very successful attorneys who do wear longer hair pulled back in court, but I do not know any that started their practice that way since the 60's.

It all will depend upon the type of law you plan on practicing and what kind of clientele you are aiming to get.

My suggestion based on over 15 years here? Cut it. But not TOO short. There are many styles today that still look professional but still give you that "not just a cookie cutter look".

Hope this helps, email me if you have any more questions.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I'm not a lawyer, but I have a couple family members who are. From what I know about courtrooms, you're wrong about your look %26amp; style being irrelevant to your chosen craft. Even over the table with other lawyers, they're going to aim right at what they think is your image. The long hair can work in certain circumstances, but just like anything else that might seem "different" to the average person (on a jury, e.g.), you have to know the image it gives you and how to use it to your advantage. Lawyers with what we might call "quirks" quickly get reputations because it's a profession with so much support staff who gossips -- and even the lawyers gossip themselves. It's like being a baseball pitcher. If you have the means to create some intimidation, you've got a couple of points in your favor already.

But if you're not ready to take advantage of how you look, or you don't quite know how to take advantage of it, I suggest not keeping it that length. Ask your friends how it affects them. It's going to have some affect. They may not be honest, though, telling you what you want to hear and whatnot, so be prepared for that. My amateur opinion is that how you look affects how the other side is going to come at you; so it's better to be prepared than to just go into a situation not knowing what to expect.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

Of course it does. You may be a great lawyer, but if you've got to convince a jury, WHY would you risk the chance that your appearance would offend a juror, or client just so you can maintain your vanity? Seems foolish to me. Plus, few law firms are going to accept it if you're representing their firm.

Make it easy on yourself, lose the locks...

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I'm not a fan of long hair on a man. However, if you DO choose to go with it, I suggest pulling it back in a pony tail. Unless you want to look like Fabio.

Pulling it back is slightly more classy.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

It depends on whether you are going out on your own or if you are hoping to become part of a firm, possibly a partner, or work as a DA or PD. The less stroke you have, the more respect you need to demonstrate to get what you want. Some judges may hold your appearance against you. Some clients may do likewise. Senior partners may see your hair as a liability. In short, it will have an effect on your success. That being said, a good number of lawyers have long hair. Most are women but the point is that it is common place. My feeling is that you have to make this decision for yourself and deal with what may come. As for myself, it is all about the money. This is a job and a well paying job. It is up to you haw well paying it may become. Great performance is the goal, but; how far are you willing to sacrifice for your client is the question. Is a hair cut to much to do to make your client believe you are giving it your all? I think not. You're already going to have to do the wardrobe. Might as well go all the way and do the hair style as well.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I would LOVE to say it doesn't matter, because I like to consider myself to be open minded. Personally, I would listen to what you had to say first, BUT honestly I would then worry if everyone else Is taking you seriously, or judging you by first impressions. If it's my "well being" on the line, I wouldn't want to take any chances that someone in the jury has already formed an opinion based on my lawyers appearance.......sorry... I'd cut it until I gained a good reputation. P.S. I love Johnny Depp and long hair!

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I'm not sure where you live, but I would look through the bar association journal, the advertisements, and see what the lawyers that practice the area of law you want to practice "hair-do's" are like...

Personally, I think longer hair on a man is sexy, but it doesn't win a court battle if the Judge thinks you're a punk with long hair. Have to earn the right through years of hard work to get away with anything like that with a Judge.

As a male does my long hair hinder my public image as a professional lawyer?

I am not in the legal field, but I have hired a few attorneys for legal services and advice. My personal opinion is that I am hiring a lawyer. I am more interested in his legal capabilities and demeanor than I am about the length of his hair (or lack of it).

Help! My hair is breaking!!?

I recently had Japanese hair straightening. I noticed that I was losing a lot of hair, but didn't take action until this week. i think i really damaged it more 2 weeks ago when I flat-ironed my hair too much for 3 consecutive days. now, about 1" off my roots, my hair have this "pointy" fold, and the breakage starts there. my breakage is really bad, and my hair is really thinning out. i have all these short hair sticking out. please help! im really desperate. i used nexxus emergencee tonight, hoping it will help. advice is badly needed. thank you all!

Help! My hair is breaking!!?

I am afraid you cannot do anything but let it grow back out.. unfortunately it is too late..that pointing fold is from the straighting not the iron... you got a bad job done i am afraid ..

it was probably to strong for your hair the stylist should have known that...If you had it done professionally. the only way to minimize loosing of your hair is to have it cut...or just live with it until it grows out...Sorry!!

Help! My hair is breaking!!?

OHH NOOO. im really sorry to hear that and im also sorry cuz i dont hav any advice but i hope it all works out at best. good luck =D

Help! My hair is breaking!!?

Eat food items that helps stronger hair like spinach,etc...

Don't use any chemical that u see, using too much chemicals

which are concentrated may worsen the condition,

applying the egg-white, curd, will help

try using olive-oil , or even hennah

I'm sure it'll work

Help! My hair is breaking!!?

All you can do it do a deep hair conditioning treatment like Kerastase and leave it in your hair for 30 minutes and wrap your hair in a towel. Do not continue straightening it at all for a while. There is not much you can do except giving your hair a break from so much straightening.

How do you get hair to grow if the folical is dead???

I lost part of my hair during radiation treatment and it has been 1 1/2 years since the treatment and my hair wont grow.

How do you get hair to grow if the folical is dead???

protein massages mayonaise eggs beer helps

How do you get hair to grow if the folical is dead???

I think once the hair folicle is dead it won't grow any hair anymore.

How do you get hair to grow if the folical is dead???

put hair cream on!!! da!!!

How do you get hair to grow if the folical is dead???

The person who figures out a way to do that will be a bazillionaire overnight.

There is no way to grow hair from a dead follicle.

What's wrong with my hair... help?

Okay so I realised this for quite a while now but it only came to me today that something might be wrong. I tied my hair back and its ok but at my hairline it's like lost loads of hair. there is still hair there but it looks like lots of it has fallen out. it's embarassing please help. !

What's wrong with my hair... help?

it may be a lack of vitamin C, vitamin B1or iron or something else. try taking supplements (but take advice from a doctor whether to do this first). are you a vegetarian? this might explain loss of iron.

maybe eat more fruit especially oranges (if you like them that is)

but most importantly - GO TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!

they should tell you what you need


hope this helps


What's wrong with my hair... help?

depending on your age...

if your very young it might be lost baby hairs.

my daughter has the same thing.

dont be embarrassed.

loads of people have/had it.

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

now Im desperate and want to buy a new product called a hairmax laser comb . Am I just going to throw my money away on dreams ???

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

Save some money big guy and learn to deal with it. There ain't nothin, nada, not a thing that will really regrow your hair or it would be all over tv, magazines, special reports, sold in every store and we would all pay thousands for it.

Unfortunately this is a genetic disorder, if you will, that is incurable, at this time. There is genetic research being conducted in hopes of one day turning of the mechanism or process that starts the ball rolling, or the hair falling out.

You can try Rogaine and Propecia but its expensive and the best you will get is fine hairs growing on the very top of the head, not at the front. And to date that is the best that is available.

You will be respected for simply cutting it short, shorter the better, and just going with the flow. You will be the butt of some jokes early on, but soon enough it will fade away. Many guys, like one of the answers, that just shave it clean. Its quite fashionable right now.

Just avoid the combover or any other means of simply trying to cover it up. You can't hide balding and the more you try to do that the more noticeable it is.

The balding gene comes from your mothers side of the family and I would guess that you will find that you look like the men in her family and there is no where to run.

Best of luck and save your money, its snake oil.

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

I saw this "hairmax laser comb" somewhere before.. but isnt it like $500? thats way 2much.

try shaving your head? 2-5mm or even fully bald? it works great and many girls find it to be sexy.

best of luck.

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

As soon as my receding hair line became so noticieble that I started getting comments and jokes from my more vocal friends..... I went home and trimmed it. Didn't like it so I shaved it with a razor. Been bald ever since. Chicks love it.

What the fork happened to my hair??? I'm male and lost almost all my hair?

Don't waste your money. Cut your hair really short or shave your head. A lot of women love that look, it makes men look more masculine and can be very sexy at any age. The more self assured and confident YOU look about it the sexier it will make you, honestly.

Hair dye advice?

My hair as of yesterday: very healthy, black, no chemicals, no dye, rarely heat-styled. A tad on the oily side, but not too bad.

Today I decided, "I want to dye it maroon-purple." I used Clairol Hydrience - 34 Burgundy. Unfortunately, my hair did not hold the color. The color is very subtle: only visible in the sun. I was hoping it would be noticeably purpley. I want to try again with the same (or a similar) color. I really like how it looks in the sun, but otherwise it still looks black.

Under no circumstances am I willing to bleach my hair. I also don't want my hair to lose its silkiness.


Also: I switched to a Pantene conditioner made for color-treated hair. Should I switch my shampoo as well? I was using Head n Shoulders.

Hair dye advice?

I've had the same problem, my hair is so brown, it looks black.

When it comes to box color, dark hair WONT take to light dye. You have to go to a salon and have them lighten your hair and then dye it. You don't have to bleach your hair, don't worry.

Coloring your hair only once or twice wont ruin the feel of your hair, only if you color it a a lot and use hot irons to style it.

You can change your shampoo, but it wont make much of a difference at all. Almost ALL shampoo is the same, regardless of what it says on the bottle. (With the exception of Prell, thats like shampooing with a bar of soap)

Change the shampoo if you want a new one, but you don't have to.

Hair dye advice?

My best advice would be to go to a professional hair dresser but without bleaching your hair with it being naturally dark it won't hold a lighter color and you would have better results using both the shampoo and the conditioner

Hair dye advice?

the reason ur hair didnt hold the colour could be for 2 reasons that

ur hair is too dark for the colour to show


because u were using head and shoulders that stuff strips any colour from your hair

also i dont recomend using pantene if your colouring ur hair it leaves a film on it and the colour cant reach the core of your hair

Hair dye advice?

When it comes to color it is hard to give any real advice without seeing your hair. It sounds like the color just did not take to how dark you are. I would also suggest to go to a stylist and ask for some advice. Even if you just go for a trim, ask the stylist about the color and ask why it didn't take. At least they are looking at your hair and that way you won't have to pay for the color just to get some advice. Us hair stylists love to give advice on how others should do their hair, it is our job. Don't play with bleaching it please! Ask the next time you go for a trim and good luck!

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

I am looking for any in put I KNOW THERE IS NO MIRACLE PRODUCTS OUT THERE buy come on with todays technology i lost all my hair a year ago and am desperate o get it back!! thank you

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

depends how u lost it.

if its growing back normal just try to eat well, take a hair skin and nails supplement (Blackmores does a great one tat worked for me)(can get from any chemist or supermarket) and dont forget to get a trim every 6-8 weeks.

be religious about this cos it helps your new locks be healthy ones!!!!!!!!!!

also stay away from dyes and styling appliances for 6 months minimum.

hope this helps. it WILL grow i promise!

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

okay, well if you straighten your hair, dont do it wnymore because it frys off the tips of your hair, so when you go back to get a haircut they cut more off. keep it healthy and pull it back so you dont notice that its growing cause when you take it down, you can tell the difference. and eat lots of multivitamins.

hope it helps!

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

As far as actual scientific evidence goes, there's nothing. Many girls believe that biotin supplements make hair grow faster, but there's no conclusive studies on it. I figure it can't hurt. Other than that, trimming your hair regularly will go a long way towards preventing breakage of the new growth.

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

There is nothing you can do to make it grow faster. The only thing to do is to keep it in the best condition while it's tring to grow. By keeping your split ends cut, split ends keeps spliting and causeses damage. You also want to condition the hair each time you shampoo it. Hair has to have moisture.

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

not that i know of. but if there is that is amazing!

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

if you trim a very little amount off your hair every month or so, it grows really fast. i done this when i was growing my hair back out long and it works really well.

Is there anything that will make my hair grow faster?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Now, they just have long thin tails like rats-eeewww.Is there a cause for them not having big fluffy tails?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Squirrels undergo a complete head-to-tail molt in the spring.Their tail hair is lost in the spring and then comes back only in the spring. Also mother squirrels will use their tail fur to line their nest with.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Do you happen to live near a nuclear power plant?

if not, I would guess they are breeding with rats.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

is this mr. burns? do you live near a nuclear power plant?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

If you have a dog or cat don't let them near them.

sounds like mange. I don't know if that is spelled right

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

sure they are not rats?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

Are you sure they are squirrels and not possums?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

They got Mange??????

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

One squirrel got the dsickness

It passed it on to it kids

its kids passed it on to all the other squirrels in the neighbourhood!!!

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

i like cherokee's answer...and maybe something is attacking them?

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

I would stay away from the squirels and I would call animal control to leave squirl traps and have them checked out by a profeshonal.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

the mange.

What would cause the squirrells in my neighborhood to have lost all the hair on their tails?

radiation, or they're really stressed because the prices of nuts went up.

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

Yesturday I noticed my guinea pig was moving and shaking her head alot, so I checked everything and came across a small patch of fur that was missing. I feed her well, and She gets lots of excercise, so I was wondering if any home remidies might fix this or should I bring her to the vet, change her diet??? Please help me I am very worried about my pet and it would be very helpful if you tell me some ways that might help her regain her hair, also if you think nothing is wrong and that it will grow back say that also. I want answers, PLEASE HELP I AM VERY WORRIED ABOUT MY GUINEA PIG!!! ASAP PLEASE!!

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

Hair loss can be caused by a few different things.

Parasites, usually mites, can cause hairloss. Mites are microscopic, so they cannot be seen with the naked eye. When hairloss is caused by mites, it often appears as if the guinea pig has "dandruff." Mites need to be treated with Invermectin, a prescription available from the vet. Invermectin is highly effective and very safe.

Fungus can also cause hairloss. Hairloss caused by fungus often appears as little scaly or crusty balding patches. Fungus can be treated with an over-the-counter miconazole cream, such as Monistat 7 or Femizole M.

Vitamin deficiencies can also cause hairloss, but this is relatively rare.

The links below have helpful photos to help determine what type of hairloss your guinea pig is suffering.

Best of luck!

EDIT: If the hairloss is right behind the ear, there is no need to worry. Hair loss behind the ear is normal, common and genetic. See link:

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

It's possible she could be stressed out. Make sure you give her lots of love and attention. Animals often pluck their hair or feathers when they are stressed. Just keep a close eye on her, make sure the patch of hair that's missing doesn't get bigger. Go to a pet store and browse thru a Guinea Pig "how to" book, see if it says anything about those kinds of habits.

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

i have 6 guinea pigs (2 had sex) that happened to my first one. you guinea pig may have flees or it could be more serious if you play with your pet and find red itchy bumps on you then she has flees(dont worry) just by an anti- flee and tick spray and they would be gone in no time

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

it could be old age or mites or insects biting and irritating her take her to a vet rather be safe than sorry

Help My Guinea Pig lost some of her hair?

You say it's behind her ear? Do you mean directly behind the ear?

If it is right behind the ear it is perfectly natural. All guinea pigs have distinct bald spots behind their ears, which are sometimes larger on albino guineas.

A technical explantion: "These Bald spots are referred to as "the hairless areas" (Curtis sine pilis) and are usually about 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. As a rule, no hairs grow in this region, however, sometimes a few scattered hairs may be present. The hairless area is larger in albino pigs and in colored animals the skin is usually more darkly pigmented than the remaining skin. The area not only lacks hair, but is also free of sweat and sebaceous glands."

This page has more details(about half way down the page):

The shaking and movement you mention could well be just popcorning, a common guinea pig behviour they do when they are excited or energetic:

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

Please explain how or what caused your hair to fall out and how you would avoid it in the future. Thanks

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

No, I haven't myself but my sister did and it can be because of stress, your shampoo, the temperature of water- don't wash you hair with very hot water. I amount of heat styling you do or just in your family. But there are many ways you can resolve it:

- change you shampoo every month

-Wash you hair with warm or cold water.

-minimise heat styling and products

- Rub oil in your hair every fortnight- I suggest almond, coconut or olive...

I hope this helps!

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

yes- it was b/c of stress

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

my hair tends to fall out when i wash it too much or when im too stressed out

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

sometimes peoples hair falls out when they dont have enough protien, which is why your hair falls out when your anorexic. but, mine just falls out sometimes randomly, and i have no idea why

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

I still do loose my hair but not as much as i use to and that is because I was told that if you us a lot of different hair products that can cause hair lose or if you us hair sraghting irons that can also cause it.what i would do is stop using so many products and take hair vataminsto strenghen it.

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

Also, pulling your hair back tight can lead to increased hair loss.

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

i lost hair because i pulled it back to many time

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

no but this girl in my gym class's did

it made me laugh

LADIES - Have you ever lost a bunch of HAIR? What caused it?

My (first) wife lost a couple of hanks of hair prior to our wedding. It was diagnosed as alopecia areata. It was caused by stress.However, i dont know how to rid your life of stress :) I dont remember if she had to use a cream, but it wasnt a life threatening problem, just hard for a young lady to handle. Good luck and see a doctor.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

I just dyed my hair for the fifth time, and people are telling me a lot of things that are scaring the crap out of me, like my hairline is going to start receding and i'll lose all my hair and all that stuff. Is it true?

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

you won't have any left

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often? is true, your hair will begin to fall out.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

Your hair becomes brittle.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

yes... you can kill the stems the hair grows from... don't over do it you could lose all your hair

its happened to Tina Turner

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

Your hair will become very dry- straw-like and porous. It could break at the ends and you will notice lots of split ends. The color could become distorted if you don't take care of it. I don't think it's true you will lose your hair from the root but it could thin out some. I think I have less hair after I went through a stage of dyeing it a lot than when I started.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

hellz ya! my friend bleaches her hair lyk every month and now its all staring to fall out. i would stop now if u want to keep ur hair! =(

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

I don't know from experience but from what I have been told by a girl who dyed her hair alot is that your hair will start feeling like straw and it will be damn near impossible to avoid split ends. In more serious cases it may even fall out! So be careful, don't go overboard with dying it.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

fried,dry,thin,unhealthy hair , its not worth it LOL

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

ive dyed my hair so many times

your hair will fall out,dry,cant style

i had to cut it all off basically,just for it to start to get a little healthy

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

it dries out your hair and starts thinning it out

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

when you dye or bleach your hair too often, it begins to fall out and look dead (dry, brittle,split ends etc)

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

Yea your hair might fall out if u keep dying it this girl i know dyed her hair too many times and a big clump of hair fell off her head.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

well it depends. if you bleach your hair the results can be very bad. You'll completely damage your hair. I've died my hair quite a few times but never bleached and made sure I spaced out the the dyings. None of it is very good for your hair and your hair can become brittle and breakable, but try using a deep conditioner or a restoring shampoo. I don't think you'll lose your hair.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

Well, i've started dying my hair too, i heard that if you do it too often or you always have you're hair dyed or something, than you're hair will start to dry out or fall out, i've seen this happen with some of my friends, but one of my friends has been dying her hair forever and her's is all smooth and stuff, and my mom has started it too, and it doesn't seem to be in any different condition, mines just fine, i guess it depends on the person, but i can recommend colorsilk or sumthin cause its supposed to help your hair as well as dye it.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

lol don't worry, not ALL your hair will fall will start to become more brittle now, though, due to the peroxide (it strips your hair to the point of breakage, split ends, and occasionally hair loss) but you definently don't have to worry about a receding hairline or anything.

just make sure that you use a hair mask (i love garnier frutice's deep mask, its super, super intense), condition your hair every time you wash it, and use a leave-in conditioner. (seeing a pattern here? the bottom line is CONDITION.)

if eventually your hair gets to the point of too much damage, a very (cropped) short hair cut will have to do.

best of luck :)

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

It all depends on how often you bleach your hair. If you bleach your hair too much it will become brittle %26amp; more prone to breakage. As long as you condition your hair regularly %26amp; deep condition at least once a week you really shouldn't have much of a problem. Try not to use bleach more than once every 2 months %26amp; don't wash your hair daily, shampooing too much makes the hair dry out.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

ummmm well it will start falling out eventually and probably earlier than people who dont dye it. but dont worry it wont just like, all fall out tomorrow or something. when you dye your hair, the chemicals slowly eat away at your hair line and stuff so after time it loses its natural shine and softness and becomes brittle and dull. there are some shampoo products you can use though that will kind of protect your hair from damaging TOO much and will help you when it becomes too brittle. just be careful and try to dye it after longer periods. like dont dye it every month. just do root touch ups and such....

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

All you have to do is not dye it so often and close together...wait to dye it for a while... i have dyed my hair about 10 or 11 times since i was 7 and now i am 14. then i went to a hairstylist and he said that my hair was SUPER healthy and i didnt do anything. you should be fine unless your hair starts to look fried...then you need to wait a LONG time before you even think about dying your hair so it can be healthy again...

Hope that helps...

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

too much dye/bleach makes your dry and brittle. Everytime you dye/bleach you strip off proteins off of your hair and if used many times will give you a very damaged hair. Use treatment such as cholesterol, hot oil and leave in treatment/conditioner. I bleached my hair before and left on too hair started splitting really bad. In addition, use conditioner everyday.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

Dying Your Hair WILL NOT Make It Fall Out. Coloring Or Bleaching Too Much Or Too Often CAN Cause It To BREAK-OFF. But This Is NOT PERMANENT And Will Stop If You Quit Using (Or Over-Using The Chemicals). EVERYONE'S Hair Gets Thinner As They Get Older. As A Teenager Or A Young Adult, You Have The Most Hair (Density) You Will Ever Have In Your Life.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

Hi, When we bleach our hair (and I have), the chemicals like peroxide and other lighteners, that actually do the bleaching, remove much needed natural oils and other things from our hair along with our own pigment. This causes your hair to be dry. EVEN THE ONES WITH CODITIONERS IN THEM, even if our hair doesn't feel like it-and this will cause it to beak off gradually. Also, have you noticed how full your hair feels after? This is due to damage the dyes cause. When natural vitamins and other components are "stripped" by the dyes, the hair shafts "swell", and that makes it apperar fuller. I color or highlight my hair from time to time also. If you're going to do it, at least go to a salon so they can use one for your type of hair-and never color it when you're doing another chemical procedure on the same day. Wait at least two weeks. After your hair is damaged, new hair that grows out at your scalp is not. That's why the ends break off and not the top.

What exactly are the effects if you dye/bleach your hair too often?

your hair will become brittle and start breaking, color treat hair once, then just touch up the roots, you'll have much healthier hair!!

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

I閳ユ獫e been losing a lot of hair. I went to the doctors and they said it should stop but it has been happening for 5 month now. By loosing hair I mean like A LOT! Not like a few strand they come out like in patches. My question is will cutting my hair short help with hair loss???? If not do you guys have any suggestions for what i should do???? Oh yea I also used to color my hair a lot not anymore though. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

cutting your hair will take all dead ends{which is like a weight} will make your hair stop falling out i have to cut my hair every 2-3 months b/c of loss of dont have to cut it short just take off the dead ends!! also dont wash you hair as much as usually and keep your hands out of it as much as possible! Hope this helps! one more thing it may be gross but you can wash your hair with an egg an it will make your hair stronger!! Good Luck!! Hapy Holidays :)

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

yes cutting it will help.

also washing less.

my friend actually had the same thing happen to her

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

Cutting it will help. My hair used to be that long and I cut it shoulder length. I didn't shed as much and I didn't see patches of hair when I brushed it.

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

dont wash as much.

dont dyee it.

dont blow dry it.

dont sleep with it in a ponytail.

dont straighten it.

dont curl it.



Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

Getting it short should help because the hairs are literally lighter. The best solution would be seeing your doctor again and explaining that the loss of hair isn't stopping...ask questions, and you can also ask for a prescription. Good luck!

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

It helps some for me when my hair starts to get that long but its may be 10-15 strands at a time thats coming out every time I run my hands through my hair wet. I have no Idea how much is really coming out but It's like I'm shedding sometimes and my hair is really thick so most of the time it doesn't bug me but some times I'm afraid that if it keeps going I'll end up bald. Try just getting a few inches off if you don't want to go too short. That usually helps me out!

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

i have the exact same problem

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

You should not wash it a lot I know that is gross but i mean like two days. i think cut it because maybe it might stop and while you are there you could ask them.

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

Yea, that was happening to me too for 5 months straight! Mine was because i was pregnant though.I don't want to sound rude but if your sexually active you might want to check into it maybe being that. If that could not possibly be it I would go back to the doctor and demand more answers or some kind of clue on what it is and how to fix it!

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

Really to be honest I would not recommen cutting your hair due to the fact that you are losing it and you want to keep all you can. There are many different reasons and circumstances for hairloss to keep in mind. What I recommend is one of the only two products that proven to counter hair loss, a topical medication called Minoxidil applied to the scalp twice a day and is sold over the counter. Really this is about the only one for a woman besides for surgical ways, the other is Finasteride and it is oral but it is used for men only.

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

regular trimming is alwayz goo, and as for falling hair, u can do is massage ur scalp with oil and when u r massaging remember to do it in circular movements! help with blodd circulation! for volume in hair u can apply henna ( naturally black one)mixture in water and oil (that helps in washing off henna)apply shampoo after half an hour

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

what shamppos or hair produts have yuo been using thats different to what you use to in the last 5 months? my auntie had that problem and was told to stop usint the ahir serum shed been using an it sorted itself out then

Hair Help! 10pts for best answer!?

It could be your diet as well, if you are not eating like you are suppose to it can cause your hair to come out.

My pom had puppies about 6 weeks ago. now she is loosing her hair.?

my pomeranian just had her puppies about 6 weeks ago and she is loosing all her second coat of hair. we gave her a bath yesterday and brushed her, and this morning i looked at her and she looks like she lost alot of hair...she looks sooo skinny :( how do i prevent this?and will she get her hair back?

My pom had puppies about 6 weeks ago. now she is loosing her hair.?

I loost my hairn when I had twins, I pulled it out screaming for peace!!!

My pom had puppies about 6 weeks ago. now she is loosing her hair.?

hair loss is pretty typical for them after whelping due to hormone changes. it happens in human women too.

for more info, ask your breeding mentor.

please spay your dog.

also, make sure mom is being fed a high quality puppy food.

My pom had puppies about 6 weeks ago. now she is loosing her hair.?

Just like in humans, female dogs through all sorts of hormonal changes during heat cycles and pregnancies. I would call the vet, however, because it could be normal and she suffer no ill will from it.

However, there is a form of mange that can be hereditary, and it can hit the females during their first pregnancy. If she has it, the puppies probably do, too.

It may be normal, but have her checked out just to be sure.

My pom had puppies about 6 weeks ago. now she is loosing her hair.?

It is normal for a dog with pups to "blow out" her coat, right about the time you want her to look her best for puppy buyers!

You can not prevent it, and it will grow back.

I hope you will screen your puppy buyers very carefully, make a contract to take them back if the new owners can't keep them, and not let them go to new homes till they are at least 8 weeks, 10 would be better.

My pom had puppies about 6 weeks ago. now she is loosing her hair.?

I would say take her to the vet. She might have some type of fungus on her skin that need to be treated with a skin ointment. Or the vet could check to she if she has any parasites.

Hope this helps.

My pom had puppies about 6 weeks ago. now she is loosing her hair.?

You know what they say, kids will make you lose your hair or turn it thing you know shes gonna get fat and have a mid life had to say it

Thousands of years from now are we going to evolve to not have hair on our heads.?

Because our ancestors lost all their body hair, and I wonder if it will be the same for our hair on our head....

Thousands of years from now are we going to evolve to not have hair on our heads.?

What thousand years?! It's happening to me now!!!!

Thousands of years from now are we going to evolve to not have hair on our heads.?

its difficult to predict the path of evoultion, but the main thing to keep in mind is survival advantage and disadvantage, what does hair do for us? thats what you have to look at

Thousands of years from now are we going to evolve to not have hair on our heads.?

i hope our pee and poo becomes gasoline... my body needs to get the memo and evolve..

Thousands of years from now are we going to evolve to not have hair on our heads.?


Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

i lost a lot of hair the first 6-8 months after i had my twin boys,,its called stress,,i even notice it now,,i can tell how stressful my day was by how much hair i take out of the strainer in the shower,,lol.

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

Yes, you dont lost very much hair when your're pregnant because of the hormones. Once the baby is born and you lose those hormones, you lose the retained hair.

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

Perfectly normal after having a baby up to 1 year to loose hair, sucks I know congrats on being a new mom

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

yes. i lots heeps of hair but it ok it all comes back

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

yes you lose hair for some time like 3 months, but gain it back again in a period of 2/3 months.

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

yes because when you are pregnant you dont lose hair so it is normal to lose the hair that you would have lost during pregnancy now!

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

Oh, yeah. I thought for sure after having my kids I was going bald.

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

Its normal to lose hair after having a baby. I went through it. All that is happening is the extra amount of hair you gained while pregnant is falling out. It will last awhile (mine lasted over a month). Your body is just trying to get itself back to normal from being pregnant and delievering a child. Just make sure you check the babies toes and fingers to make sure hair doesnt get wrapped around them.

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

Sure but not to much hair. If your losing hands full of hair then your stress level maybe to high or your just not eating right. Your body always tells you when something is not right.

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

yes because your hormones are just going crazy and you are stressed with the new baby! Don't worry it's fine

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

Yes... though I don't like to call it normal. It's horrifying!!

I started shedding hair 3 months after giving birth... and it's been almost a year since my son was born.... the hair still keeps falling. I'm 3 months pregnant with my second. I'm terrified to think what will happen to me when I give birth again. I'm worried I'll go bald.

I tell myself it was all for the good of my child. Huh!

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

I started loosing hair when my daughter was about 4 or 5 months old and it kept falling out until she was about 9 months old. It was just the hair I didn't lose when I was pregnant. It's no longer falling out and my hair looks just the same as always. Just relax and if the comments don't help talk to your OB he/she will be able to help you feel better.

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

To the point where you think you are going to go bald, yes. When you are pregnant you don't loose your hair at all, after you give birth it starts coming out everywhere and in big clumps when you brush your hair. By the way I did not go bald. I was amazed!

Congrats on the baby!

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

My mom lost her eyebrows and they've just got back to normal, and my brother and I are 19 %26amp; 20. my poor mom. I hope it'll grow back quicker for you

Is it normal to lose a ton of hair? I just had my daughter 4 months ago?

yea, infact i had bald spots.. don't worry my son is 10 months old and my hair is coming back.. so it does grow back... there were times my husband cleaned the shower after I washed my hair and though chewbacha had been in the house...

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

I have really fine hair and have lost a bit on top. I like to have enough to comb back but don't want to appear like I am trying to hide my thinning areas? Should I just give up and go with the short near buzz look? Also- what about a moustache? Are they "in" ?

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

OK Dave, get a buzz, that will look very good on you. I think a man with short hair like that looks very handsome with a mustache as well. Try it and keep me posted on what you think. Good luck and Happy 2008.

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

What's on top of a man's head doesn't really matter to me. Having said that, DON'T TRY THE COMB-OVER! I think most women would prefer a totally bald man to someone who's trying to fake it.

I don't know if mustaches are in or not, but I like them. I also like the mustache/goatee look. It looks good on men at any age, especially if they have buzzed their heads.

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

I am way past the era of what is 'in' and don't much care what other people 'think'. I am getting sparse on top and I am letting my hair grow. My older by one year, brother has less hair on top than I do, yet his hair in back comes down almost to his waist. Up to you, but in my opinion, just please yourself. I am growing mine because I cannot afford haircuts and my hands shake so much I don't want to attempt it myself.

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

Why not try cutting your hair short; it will probably grow back if you don't like it. The buzz look can be fun. Grow it back if you don't like it or get bored with that look. You could be really daring and just go on and shave off the thin bits....or cut all your hair very short.....or shave your whole head. It's all good as long as you smile and make eye contact, imo.

I like moustaches on men, but I have no idea if this stylish or not. Perhaps I have spent too much time around firefighters and law enforcement officers....:)

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

Dave ,just be yourself , whatever your happy with , you should be liked for you , not what you look like ,

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

Everything is "in". As for your hair, if you buzz it and don't like it it'll grow back.

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

Do what you gotta do --- I think it would be fine to have hair., and I've heard many a tail about a womb broom.

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

Style go short on top and try some wax.

Mustache I think is a mans choice some do some don't they will probably never go out.

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

Get a very short Buzz Cut, maybe around a #2 or #1. Or get a fade, where it starts at about a #1 on the sides and bottom, and ends with a #3 or 4 on top.

Short Hair cut ( buzz) or longer on top?

Go short...there isn't anything wrong with bald.

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

Hi guys, my 19 yr old horse has lost big patches of hair, and cond, despite getting a lot of food, stabled at night, it is not rain rot, or ring worm or lice, had vet look already, am waiting for him to come back to do blood works on her, she is quite itchy but is not putting on weight despite tonics food etc, am quite worried, has anyone else gone through this experience... she was quite bad with worms when I bought her 10 yrs ago, is there anything to be done if it is liver/kidney damage????

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

here are some possible answers:

Biting Gnats

Biting Gnats feed on the belly, inner thighs, poll, mane, withers, and tailhead. The irritation will cause the horse to scratch on anything around it. This can cause them to actually "rub" the hair out.


Another condition called "Onchocerca" infestation is another very irritating condition in horses, but this is not so common an ailment since ivermectin has all but eliminated it.

Horn Fly

Horn Fly bites will also cause horses to rub to the point of hair loss.


Lice or Pediculosis will not immediately cause hair loss but will eventually irritate the animal enough to rub the hair out and cause skin irritation. You can take a magnifying glass and put it up to your horses hair and you will be able to see lice if they are present.


Mange is identified by examining skin scrapings under a microscope. This is a very itchy condition and can be treated with topical chemicals which you should contact your veterinarian about.

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

It could be any number of things....allergies if something new in stall, bedding, food. You need the results of the blood work to rule out Thyroid and other medical conditions. Sorry wish you the best.

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

Trust your vet. The blood work will tell you if it is liver or kidney damage and there are some medications for those issues. I have seen horses with those symptoms just have a thyroid problem and at 19 that is very very common. The blood work should tell you what is wrong.

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

Be sure and ask your vet, if he isn't already going to do it, to test her thyroid function...those are classic symptoms, and there are remedies. I am assuming that this condition came on gradually, right? When I read your question, that was the very first thing that came to mind. Good luck, am looking forward to your future posts to see what you found out.

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

All good answers. Wait till the vets comes back with the tests, they know more about horse health then us. Thats why they spent years in colledge just for that!

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

I have no idea why all of a sudden everyone keeps talking about thyroid problems in horses but they just don't exist!! Horses can have enlarged thyroid glands but it never results in hyperthyroidism. Horses can have a pseudohypothyroidism as in most chronic illnesses the thyroid function decreases, however this is nothing to do with the thyroid itself, it is merely a metabolic response to illness.

I would tentatively suggest Cushings as a possibility; the hair loss can happen sedondarily following infection of the skin, and loss of condition would also fit (plus she is the right age). They actually usually don't have a curly coat; it is often long but not curly except on the legs. My other suggestions are liver disease (with a kind of psychosomatic skin itchiness) or an allergy of some kind.

Have faith in your vet - if the first set of tests don't show anything then they will test for something else. Unfortunately sometimes lab results just take a while to come back.

Please Help, 19 yr old horse, loss of cond, hair loss, itchy,?

Sounds like a bad dose of lice to me. I've seen this before and my friend dismissed the thought by saying sure all horses have lice! Turned out she had a very bad dose of them. You say your vet has checked for these little bugg**s already?

What ever the problem is I do hope it gets sorted out soon for you

Question about hair?

Every morning when I get up, I shower. After showering, I part my hair down the middle of my head. I have lost a lot of hair on the right side of my head these past couple of months, and once my hair dries, the hair on my right side puffs up a little, while my left side is normal. I always spray hairspray on my right side to keep it down so that it is even. Is there any other way I could keep it down, and even, without using hairspray?

Question about hair?

Ok..I think we have a couple of things that are creating these problems for you-

1. The hairspray might be the rootcause of you loosing hair on your right side. Dont use it for some time and see if it helps.

2. Dont part or comb your hair when they are wet. Use comb only once they have semi dried.

3. Use Johnsons baby hair oil to make your hair even. Its the best and most healthy way to keep your hair in shape, without any extra chemicals. Moreso, the oil is non-sticky and would naturally moisturise your hair.

For a change, dont part your hair. Or if need be, change the parting to a side one. Hope this helps!!!

Question about hair?

I dont know

Question about hair?

when you part your hair.... run a blowdryer along the part until the roots are dry. that'll keep the frizz and flyaway free.

goodluck hunn.

also, to correct the problem of losing hair on the right side... move your part over a little. it doesn't have to be drastic... just enough to give those hair a little break!

Question about hair?

try parting your hair different----midway between the middle and right side.This should make your hair look more even.

Question about hair?

Have your hair stylist check your hair cut and thin out the right side so that it is even. If you don't want to do that stop parting your hair in the middle. part it on the right side and that will allow you to move some of the weight to the other side. and side parts look better anyway. Good luck. Please add me to your contacts and email me w/ any hair questions you have via yahoo answers.

As I have aged, my hair has lost its natural shininess?

I bought some shine serum, but not sure when to apply it during grooming process. Before blow drying, after...when?Any other related tips would be appreciated! Thanks

As I have aged, my hair has lost its natural shininess?

It depends on what kind you have, but usually most shine serums are applied after blowdrying. It also helps if you use the cold button on your hair for a few seconds after applying the serum. Also, taking a B vitamin and amino acid supplement helps with hair and nail strength and shininess.

As I have aged, my hair has lost its natural shininess?

Hey Lynn!

Dull and dreary hair takes away half the beauty of the face. Healthy, glossy, manageable hair that reflects light and falls around the face beautifully, is the dream of every woman that is not so difficult to attain after all. Here are a few tips to make your hair shine:

Bring instant shine to your hair by lightly beating two eggs in milk and massaging them in your hair thoroughly. Rinse after five minutes.

A little vodka in your shampoo, if used occasionally, can make your thick hair shine instantly.

Yet another way to make your hair shine for blondes is to add two tablespoons of lemon juice in your rinse water after shampooing, while brunettes and redheads can add apple cider vinegar to their rinse water.

Everybody can get a vibrant hair color by wisely using his or her garden products! Brunettes can use handful of fresh rosemary sprigs, blondes can use dried chamomile, orange-tone redheads can use chopped up carrot while berry-tone redheads can use chopped up beet. Boil one quart of water. Tie the suitable ingredient according to your hair color in a piece of doubled cheesecloth and toss it into the boiling water. Remove them from heat and let the water soak the color for about 10 minutes. Then, remove the cheesecloth bag. Shampoo and rinse your hair thoroughly. Pour the color enhancer you have prepared over your hair, while it is warm. Be sure it is not hot. Rinse it finally with a quart of cold water. Do this once a month for that lustrous hair posed by models.

Honey is good for skin and hair. Take 4 cups of warm water and stir 1 teaspoon of honey in it. Pour it into your hair after shampooing and let the hair dry as normal. You don't need to rinse it.

Over-processed hair lose their shine too so be careful nor to overuse all those chemical hair products in the market. Silicone products add shine to hair momentarily but are difficult to wash out causing a buildup that make your hair dull. Vinegar rinse should be used sparingly too or it may dry out your hair.

Cold water rinsing makes your hair look shinier as it closes and smoothens the hair cuticle. To further enhance the shine, you can use a finishing cr鐚玬e during and after blow-drying your hair.

Adding shine to gray hair and keeping them from getting that yellow tint can be difficult. However a professional gloss treatment at the salon seals the cuticle and makes the hair look shinier than ever. It lasts for five weeks.

~Good Luck!~

As I have aged, my hair has lost its natural shininess?

Read the directions, it varies. My friend used to take a can of beer and open it and let it get stale and then she would wash her hair with it. Also she used mayo. I have heard of a placenta hair treatment that also helps. Rinse with cold water after you wash it and also after you blow dry it to go over it with the cold setting on the blow dryer.

As I have aged, my hair has lost its natural shininess?

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Haircare Recipes

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Hair Fruit Pack

Hair weak falling out dry scalp?

i started to notice it about 5 months ago in august. i was using a baseball cap and when i took it off at the end of the day i had 5 or so hairs in the rim of the cap. im 18 year old man. i lose about 5 to 10 hairs when i shower and dry my hair with the towel. it is falling out randomly in no particular aria.

when i run my hands through my hair and pull slightly i get a hair about every 3 times i do it. with the occasional 2 or 3 hairs. is that normal. i never payed attention before so im not sure if this is all normal or if im experiencing more then normal daily hair loss.

my hair is about 3-4 inches long and a little dry. i switched to head and shoulders for dry hair and scalp and it seemed to help

Hair weak falling out dry scalp?

sounds pretty normal to me also...

Hair weak falling out dry scalp?

Humans usually shed on the average about 100 hairs a day. It doesn't sound extreme to me, but keep using that shampoo anyway.

Hair weak falling out dry scalp?

Well a change in life style or daily routine can affect that also you diet and base ball caps can cause some hair loss too. the head and shoulders switch was good try to give your hair a brake from the gel, hairspray and mousse. also only wear a cap when you need too. If you see that your still having some issues try taking some vitamins take soem Biotin that's for hair, skin, and nails and some B complex for your stress level. good luck.

Hair weak falling out dry scalp?

moisturise ur scalp with pure coconut oil over night or even olive oil, also

ill let u in on a secret, this is miracle hair fixer which fixed my bleached hair! its called clynol id care repar, regenerate intensive collagen treatment, its amazing!!!

HOMECOMING HAIR HELP! pictures pleasee?

my homecoming is october 7th and i want my hair to be in lose curls/ waves. my hair is just below my shoulders by about two inches and its straight and brown. i need some good pictures of the whole "lose curls" deal =D thanks

HOMECOMING HAIR HELP! pictures pleasee?

why no try this!

After washing your hair at night, while it still damp, not wet, make a bun on top of your head, secure it with a hair elastic/ etc. SLEEP with the bun. In the morning, undo the bun, and see how you like the waves/curls! It lasts without all the added hair products!

Have fun with it!

HOMECOMING HAIR HELP! pictures pleasee?

try the spiral curl rods you can put them on spray with hair spray and sleep in them all night your curls will have it going on

HOMECOMING HAIR HELP! pictures pleasee?

i was a freshman going to prom and my mom didn't want to pay for a professional doing it. so i curled it all from bottom to top layer and pulled it halfway back. then i touched it up because it looked bad after i pulled it back. and just get a big barrel curling iron. and use mousse before you curl it and hairspray throughout the whole process.

HOMECOMING HAIR HELP! pictures pleasee?

Waterfalls or rods

HOMECOMING HAIR HELP! pictures pleasee?

Download a program and then make your choice. Its called Beauty Wizard.

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

what do i do

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

Just Shave it Bald then Works for Bruce Willis

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

rogaine its a prescription medication that helps hair grow and shrinks the penis (syke, it doesnt shrink the penis) or does it?

I think it increases the pubic hair

Maybe Bush can lend you some of his Bush

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

I would see the guy that wrote right before you, he has hair on his balls...Maybe he can give you some and u can stick it on your head!!

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

That doesn't seem normal at all. Are you healthy? Or are you taking drugs? (no offense)


Have you been using too much hair dye or something else you put in your hair?

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

Happened to a friend of mine, too. He was 23 and almost had the full horseshoe thing going. He shaved his head. I think that's a better bet than any of those medicines.

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

yes. rogaine. you MIGHT not regrow lost hair, but it may help from losing more. and google 'finasteride' 1mg

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

I hope you like the shaved head look.

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

just don't go to Trump's barber!

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

you can try rogaine but I worked in a salon and Nioxin works best. Go to a salon and ask for it. Comes in a shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment, strong stuff that really works!

good luck!

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

My friends in the same boat. He will be 22 and is going bald because he constantly wears a hat. Wearing a hat all the time stops your head from "breathing"

My younger brother who's 16 started to loose his head also, i told him bluntly stop wearing your hat, he did and now his hair is fine and not falling out.

If you don't wear hats then your problem could be genetic.

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

Is it male pattern baldness?

If it is often runs in families.Is your father bald?-sorry if it is then really no magical treatment because it is genetic(minoxil can be used variable results will lose it again when you stop using it-I cannot recommend it). associated with testosterone production-therefore only occurs after puberty.-eunuchs do not go bald for this reason-not recommended way of keeping hair

If it is patchy baldness- then could be alopecia areata.

If you have any doubt to its cause then see your doctor

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

Thats not normal,go see a doctor.It could be genetic but also some other causes:diet,stres,a desease,treatments you aply to your hair(color shampoo...).

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

Hey hi!!! Actually this may happen due to lot of stress and you may lack some kinds of vitamins.So go and boost yourself up with some vitamins prescribed by your doctor.The main thing is that you have to apply oil to your hair.I know it seems rather weirdo but you can apply it when you are at home,at night and then wash your hair in the morning!Make sure while applying the oil twice a week,make a good hair massage!This will keep your mind fresh.

Well,hair loss sometimes occur when a person lacks certain pigments,its better consult a doctor for that!

I'm 20 and I'm starting to lose my hair?

Have it cut with clippers number 1 blade

Baldness, what can I do to help my thinning hair?

I haven't really lost much of my hair but do have a little receading hair line....any suggestions?

Baldness, what can I do to help my thinning hair?

Just accept it...let it go, man. When it gets too thin, buzz it down tight. Its liberating!

Baldness, what can I do to help my thinning hair?

i think maybe if you look good with bald hair .. just shave your head ..i l think guys with a bald head and some facil hair is soo sexyy

Baldness, what can I do to help my thinning hair?

You can use some olive oil sheen

Baldness, what can I do to help my thinning hair?

The only proven remedies are Propecia and Minoxidil. It is best to use them concurrently.

Baldness, what can I do to help my thinning hair?

read tips on haircare and more to help you on this site

Baldness, what can I do to help my thinning hair?

Massage you scalp regularly to promote hair growth and eat food rich in biotin. Try this smoothie rich in biotin: banana + honey + yogurt.

For more to info in taking care of your hair

I have lost a lot of hair on I cut it real short ( buzz) or give it some length on top to c

Go to a real stylist and get some expert opinions on what styles might best suit you. Whatever you decide just remember your hair says a lot about you and how you present yourself to others, especially women.

Some people love the Bruce Wills look, but since you are young I'd definitely avoid it. Use your hair while you have it and do NOT be a lame cop out like JT who looks like a lazy unkept bum.

Lastly, remember your hair is what really frames your face and is literally your crown, do something awesome with it especially if you are young and single.

I have lost a lot of hair on I cut it real short ( buzz) or give it some length on top to comb back?

A lot of women think comb-overs are lame.

I have lost a lot of hair on I cut it real short ( buzz) or give it some length on top to comb back?

You should cut it really short. Combing it over draws attention to the bald spots and makes it obvious.

I have lost a lot of hair on I cut it real short ( buzz) or give it some length on top to comb back?

Please cut it or shave it. Lots of men who have a comb over just look worse than if bald. I know alot of men who have shaved their heads because of thinning or receding hair. I can't imagine them with hair because it looks so normal and some are just down right sexy with shaved heads. Go for it!

I've just had my hair cut off to dicourage boys from flurting with who thinks this will help?

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